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Revert's Eid ul-Fitr Dinner '16

As always, we try our best to host a special celebration dinner for our Brothers and Sisters who reverted to Islam on the day of Eid. By the Grace of Allah we have managed to organise these dinners for around 10 years at Masjid Abu Bakr and the Muslim Ummah Centre but now we can accommodate them in our very own Da'wah Centre. The dinner has been donated by a very generous Brother...may Allah reward and preserve him...ameen.

Reverts Eid ul-Fitr Dinner for Brothers and Sisters

Thursday 7th July '16 6pm-9pm

Nottingham Islam Information Centre 1 Bovill Street Radford Nottingham NG7 3PG

3 Course Meal includes Pilau Rice, Lamb Karahi, Chicken Drumsticks, Halwa and Drinks

Please inform any new Muslims to attend the event. JazakAllahu khair.

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