Our first Iftaar at the Da'wah Centre
We were proud to be hosting our very first Iftaar at the Da''wah Centre this Ramadhan where we invited reverts and brothers who have supported the project over these last few years. We hold these Iftaars every year, usually in external venues or our homes, and its always very special for reverts who may not have any Muslim friends or family or they can break their fast with.

Before the Iftaar Abu Yasir gave us a great reminder of the importance of Ramadhan and why we should make the most of these last few days. He highlighted the importance of Itikaaf and told that us even if we can't do the full 10 days at the Masjid that even 1 day has great benefit insh'Allah.

We prayed Maghrib salaat in Jamaat which was also a first for the Dawah Centre then served food to all of our guests. Alahamdulilah it was a great moment for Nottingham Islam as its an early indication of the potential this building has as a community centre. May Allah swt make this project successful. Ameen.