Tafsir Juz 'Amma - Class 14
Weekly Halaqah run by Nottingham Islam Information Point teaching an in-depth course of Tafsir Juz 'Amma by our Sheikh Ibrahim Hammad...

Brother Jack's Quote
"I had this negative impression of Islam but eventually I picked up the Qur'an and read the first 12 pages then sat down feeling like...
NIIP New Muslim - Jack
Our Brother Jack accepting Islam at the Madni Masjid in Nottingham on Saturday 1st February 2014. His Wife-to-be, Sister Chelsea also...
Tafsir Juz 'Amma - Class 13
Weekly Halaqah run by Nottingham Islam Information Point teaching an in-depth course of Tafsir Juz 'Amma by our Sheikh Ibrahim Hammad...
Tafsir Juz 'Amma - Class 12
Weekly Halaqah run by Nottingham Islam Information Point teaching an in-depth course of Tafsir Juz 'Amma by our Sheikh Ibrahim Hammad...

Sisters Weekly Circles
Every week there are 3 classes available for Sister's to gain knowledge. Stories of the Sahaabiyat is every Monday from 1pm-2.30pm....
The Qur'anic Identity - Br Shahid
The following talk was delivered by our Brother Shahid from Derby Da'wah Project on The Qur'anic Identity. Hosted by Nottingham Islam at...
The Dual Identity - Br Abdul Aziz
The following talk was delivered by our Brother Abdul Aziz from Derby Da'wah Project on The Dual Identity. Hosted by Nottingham Islam at...
Developing an Islamic Identity - Br Shujahat Aslam
The following talk was delivered by our Brother Shujahat Aslam on Developing an Islamic Identity. Hosted by Nottingham Islam at the 'The...
Tafsir Juz 'Amma - Class 11
Weekly Halaqah run by Nottingham Islam Information Point teaching an in-depth course of Tafsir Juz 'Amma by our Sheikh Ibrahim Hammad...