Islamic Exhibition Posters - Prophecies from the Prophet Muhammad No. 5
Posters designed by us to go in our upcoming Da'wah Exhibition Hall in the Da'wah Centre, Nottingham. These posters will educate...

Islamic Exhibition Posters - Muhammad In The Bible Series No. 4
Posters designed by us to go in our upcoming Da'wah Exhibition Hall in the Da'wah Centre, Nottingham. These posters will educate...

Islamic Exhibition Posters - Muhammad In The Bible Series No. 3
Posters designed by us to go in our upcoming Da'wah Exhibition Hall in the Da'wah Centre, Nottingham. These posters will educate...

Islamic Exhibition Posters - Muhammad In The Bible Series No. 2
Posters designed by us to go in our upcoming Da'wah Exhibition Hall in the Da'wah Centre, Nottingham. These posters will educate...

Islamic Exhibition Posters - Muhammad In The Bible Series No. 1
Posters designed by us to go in our upcoming Da'wah Exhibition Hall in the Da'wah Centre, Nottingham. These posters will educate...

*NEW* Qur'ans in Polish (2nd Edition)
We at Nottingham Islam Information Point will now be printing our second batch of Qur'ans in Polish and we need you to financially help...
From Pub 2 Da'wah Centre - Ustadh Aqeel Mahmood (Green Lane Masjid)
Please help us by setting up a standing order for as little as £5 a month so it will contribute towards buying Da'wah literature and...

Night In The Masjid Event - Final Destination
We've got our annual NIGHT AT THE MASJID EVENT this new years eve @ 7:30pm, Masjid Ummah (Above Sahaba Bookstore). Please check out the...
From Pub 2 Da'wah Centre - Sheikh Haitham al Haddad
Sheikh Haitham al Haddad in Nottingham visiting our Da'wah Centre which is currently under construction. Jazak'Allah Khair for the shout...

Islamic Exhibition Posters - The 100
Posters designed by us to go in our upcoming Da'wah Exhibition Hall in the Da'wah Centre, Nottingham. These posters will educate...