Revert's Eid ul-Adha Dinner
Yes it's that time of the year again where we offer local new Muslims to a splendid Eid Dinner on the very day of Eid at the Da'wah...
Rattil Quranic School - Opening Soon
Rattil Quranic School will start Monday 3rd October '16 at the Nottingham Islam Information Centre - 1 Bovill Street, Radford, Nottingham...
NIIP New Muslim Project - Aaron
The special moment when Aaron embraced Islam in Nottingham, England during the month of March 2016. If you would like to help support...
NIIP New Muslim Project - Alistair
The special moment when Alistair embraced Islam in Nottingham, England during the cold month of January 2016. If you would like to help...
NIIP New Muslim Project - Magnus
The special moment when Magnus embraced Islam in Nottingham, England during the cold month of December 2015. If you would like to help...
Four Things to Do on the Blessed 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah
Allah the Most High & Exalted says: “By the Dawn; By the ten nights” [Surah Al-Fajr:1-2] This oath substantiates the greatness and...
Fundraising £3750 for printing 2nd batch of Qur'ans in Romanian
We have teamed up with One Community Edmonton Team to fundraise £3750 to produce the next batch of Qur'ans in Romanian and help give...
*OUT OF STOCK* Qur'ans in Romanian
We do not have anymore Qur'ans in Romanian left and will have to look into producing some more in the near future when funds become...
Revert's Eid ul-Fitr Dinner '16
As always, we try our best to host a special celebration dinner for our Brothers and Sisters who reverted to Islam on the day of Eid. By...
Open Iftar Dinner - Ramadhan '16
Nottingham Islam Information Point presents an open Iftar Dinner TONIGHT at the Da'wah Centre for Brothers, Sisters and Children. 3...