NIIP Events 2014
A record of all of our events and activities we have conducted over the years.

NIIP Events 2013
A record of all of our events and activities we have conducted over the years.

NIIP Events 2012
A record of all of our events and activities we have conducted over the years.

Salah Timetable - February 2017
Salaatul Jamaat has begun at the Nottingham Islam Information Centre for the local Brothers. Please try to attend and spread the word....

The Food Project - Night Patrols
Video Upload | The Food Project - Night Patrols

Intention of Du'a by Salahuddin & Umar
Video Upload | Intention of Du'a by Salahuddin & Umar (31/12/16)

The Revenant - Descent of Jesus by Yusha Evans
Video Upload | The Revenant - Descent of Jesus by Yusha Evans (10/12/16)

Ruqya Seminar by the Hijama Clinic
Ruqya Seminar coming up on the 14th & 15th January '17 delivered by Brother Yasin of the Hijama Clinic. Do register your interest if you...

Salah Timetable - January 2017
Salaatul Jamaat has begun at the Nottingham Islam Information Centre for the local Brothers. Please try to attend and spread the word....

Night With The Brothers
*Night With The Brothers* at the Nottingham Islam Information Centre on New Year's Eve - this Saturday. 7pm until Midnight. Come and...