Lessons from Taloot by Brother Harun Abdur Rashid Holmes
Brother Harun Abdur Rashid Holmes lectures the congregation about taking the lessons from the life of Taloot.
Bulugh Al-Maram - Kitaabus Salaah: Chapter of Fear Prayer | Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani
Bulugh Al-Maram taught by Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani (University of Medina Graduate). Every Friday after Salaatul Maghrib at the Nottingham...
The Sublime Beauty of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) [Part Eight] by Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani
The Sublime Beauty of the Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be peace) taught by Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani. Starting this Thursday after Salaatul...
Purity of Faith - A Study on Islamic Monotheism [Part Eight] by Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani
Purity of Faith taught by Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani. Starting this Wednesday after Salaatul Isha. Lessons will be recorded and uploaded on...
NIIP Monthly Reports 2020
A record of activities, events and services we have to offer from the Nottingham Islam Information Centre.
Bulugh Al-Maram - Kitaabus Salaah: Chapter of Jumu'ah [Part Three] | Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani
Bulugh Al-Maram taught by Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani (University of Medina Graduate). Every Friday after Salaatul Maghrib at the Nottingham...
What will take place in the Graves? by Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani
Khutbah delivered on Friday 24-05-1442H/08-01-2012CE
The Sublime Beauty of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) [Part Seven] by Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani
The Sublime Beauty of the Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be peace) taught by Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani. Starting this Thursday after Salaatul...
Purity of Faith - A Study on Islamic Monotheism [Part Seven] by Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani
Purity of Faith taught by Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani. Starting this Wednesday after Salaatul Isha. Lessons will be recorded and uploaded on...
Bulugh Al-Maram - Kitaabus Salaah: Chapter of Jumu'ah [Part Two] | Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani
Bulugh Al-Maram taught by Ustadh Rashed Al-Madani (University of Medina Graduate). Every Friday after Salaatul Maghrib at the Nottingham...