Ramadan the Month of Mercy | Brother Shujahat Aslam
Khutbah delivered on Friday 07-09-1443H/08-04-2022
Rules For Ramadan | Brother Waheed Hussain
Khutbah delivered on Friday 29-08-1443H/02-04-2022
Hidden Sin - Abu Musa
Nottingham Islam Information Point proudly presents an informative lecture entitled 'Hidden Sin' by Abu Musa from 'My Tazkiyah'. Abu Musa...
Ramadan Timetable 2022/1443
Our Ramadan Timetable 2022/1443 for the Nottingham Islam Information Centre.
Getting ready, Ramadan is approaching | Brother Shujahat Aslam
Khutbah delivered on Friday 08-08-1443H/11-03-2022
How researching Thai Muslims led me to Islam
Revert Interview with one of our Brothers Dominic. Watch and learn his transition to the religion of Islam and how Nottingham Islam has...
Take Five Before Five (Arabic) by Imam Azeddine Karfa
Khutbah delivered on Friday 01-08-1443H/04-03-2022
Hidden Sin | Abu Musa (MyTazkiyah)
We have a very important lecture in a few weeks aimed towards those who have an addiction in watching inappropriate videos. Delivered...
Salah Timetable - March 2022
Salaatul Jamaat is available at the Nottingham Islam Information Centre for the local Brothers. Please try to attend and spread the word....
All of our Provisions come from Allah by Brother Shujahat Aslam
Khutbah delivered on Friday 25-07-1443H/26-02-2022