Please use the following Banking details to make a Bank Transfer or to setup a Standing Order:-
Account Name: Nottingham Islam Information Point
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
A/C No. 04279504
Sort Code: 30-96-18
For International Bank Transfers please use the following Banking details:-
Account Name: Nottingham Islam Information Point
Swift Code: LOYDGB21069
Sort Code: 30-96-18
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
IBAN: GB49 LOYD 3096 1804 2795 04

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In the year 1997, we at Nottingham Islam Information Point first started off with a simple table in the bustling city centre of Nottingham giving Da'wah to non-Muslims. On that very first day we started, Allah SWT blessed us with 3 Shahadahs. This had motivated us to carry on coming every Saturday, weather permitting, to sit behind this simple table filled with basic Da'wah literature and give them out to those non-Muslims who showed interest in learning about Islam.
Now 18 years has passed and the growth of new Muslims has increased tremendously and will continue to grow with the help of Du'at giving up their Saturdays to call the people to Islam.
The Du'at at Nottingham Islam Information Point have been working for Allah SWT from their homes, storing all Da'wah literature and Exhibition Stock in their houses and now that the Da'wah is getting bigger each year, we have finally decided to purchase our own place to house the Da'wah literature and Exhibition Stock, along with all its' computers and software. This is the first building in Nottingham to house the Da'wah literature to non-Muslims and will serve as a base for fellow Du'at in and around Nottingham to come and request Da'wah literature for their universities and events.
The building also contains a small Youth Centre for the youth to come and socialise with other youngsters whether they be Muslims or non-Muslims. The Youth Centre currently contains Pool tables, Table Tennis, Table Football, Basketball Shoot-Outs and Computer Gaming. Young people can come on the weekends and engage with one another in an Islamic environment.
We currently hold a Madrassah teaching young Muslims Qur'an with Tajweed, Arabic and Hifz. The building also used as a Revert's Centre where new Muslims can come and learn the foundations of Islam, receive Starter Packs and assist with any financial or spiritual problems they may have. The list of services we offer new Muslims are; Marriage Matrimony, Revert Eid Dinners, Ruqya & Hijama, Nikah & Walima, Small Financial Debts and Discounted Hajj Packages.
We also hold beneficial talks and seminars every other month and Halaqaat classes so many times a week for Brothers and Sisters. We also have a small Islamic library and accommodate daily Prayers but sadly no Jumu'ah Prayers.
The building with renovation work has costed around £350,000 so far and we urgently require a further £60,000 to pay off a few Qard Hasana's. We are appealing to the Muslim community to financially help us raise this last amount of money so we can have the peace of mind of not having any more debts to pay off.
The address to the centre is;
Nottingham Islam Information Centre -
1 Bovill Street, Radford, Nottingham. NG7 3PG., Radford, Nottingha,
Please help us raise money for this ongoing and noble project that carries a lot of Barakaat that we will be desperately needing on the Day of Judgment.